
Like many of us, I’ve been on a spiritual search most of my life.

I spent most of my 20’s and early 30’s in India studying yoga and meditation.

After an intensive  9 month yoga teacher training in Australia, I started teaching yoga in India, Germany and mainly the UK.

I was asked to teach the Dharma by one of my meditation teachers. As much as it was my greatest wish to do so, it was also my greatest fear. Having taught many yoga classes over the years, the fear of a bigger audience didn’t quite leave me until I found Eden Energy Medicine.

In 2012 I discovered Eden Energy Medicine. It gave me the answers and tools I was looking for. Something that helped me ground myself, feel more resourced, work on my fears with practical tools and find confidence and turn fear into passion and excitement.

I met my partner in Australia and we moved back to England to start a family.  We built our life together and began raising our two children in a beautiful, peaceful  community near Bath.

Motherhood has been a wonderful teacher and EEM felt like a savier and so incredibly practical to deal with challenges in day to day life. Being able to do a technique in less than five minutes while the kettle boils, practicing EEM techniques with the children and catching myself,  use a tool before losing my temper, has become an invaluable  gift.

Each step on the journey of learning Eden Energy Medicine has brought more beauty, balance, peace and happiness into my life.

Donna Eden’s motto is ‘Raising the vibration of the planet, one person at a time’  practicing and teaching EEM feels like the living proof, by seeing people not just heal, but move into their radiance.

Read more about Energy Medicine here.

Simone Salewski

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